At the December 7th, 2023 central committee meeting of the Benton County Republican Party, the duly elected and appointed Precinct Committee Officers representing their constituents in Benton County Washington, passed the resolution below and agreed to send the attached letter to the elected officials whom govern in Benton County.


Whereas on October 7, 2023, Hamas terrorists launched a massive, unprovoked war on Israel by air, land, and sea, including firing thousands of rockets;

Whereas Hamas terrorists crossed the land border and began slaughtering Israelis and abducting hostages in towns in southern Israel, including children and the elderly;

Whereas since October 7, 2023, Hamas is directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of Israeli citizens and Palestinians;

Whereas Hamas is a United States-designated Foreign Terrorist Organization;

Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the Benton County Republican Party –

(1)    stands with Israel;

(2)    requests that the Benton County Sheriff and Benton County Prosecutor be on guard of potential Hamas activity within Benton County.  This includes all supporters of Hamas including the harboring of Hamas.  All means of legal detainment and prosecution are necessary;

a.       especially, given the OPEN BORDER POLICY of the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION;

b.      especially, given the critical nature of the Hanford Area;

c.       especially, given Marxist organizations such as BLM (Black Lives Matter), DSA (Democrat Socialists of America), and PSL (Party for Socialism and Liberation) who are allowed to fester within our schools cultivating resentment against the USA as well as our Public Safety Officers and by demonstrating for pro-Hamas and anti-Semitic causes.

(3)    supports School Boards, City Councils and County/State/Federal officials who denounce, suspend permits, and shut down all Hamas supporter organizations who lead Pro-Hamas demonstrations with slogans such as ‘From the River to the Sea – Palestine will be free’ which clearly means the call for the destruction of Israel;

(4)    supports School Boards, City Councils, and County/State/Federal officials who direct their respective organizations to refrain from hiring supporters of Hamas;

(5)    reserves the right to pull any previous endorsements of acting partisan and non-partisan officials as well as candidates who do not support Israel and who support Hamas as well as   the supporters of Hamas;

(6)    reserves the right to request resignations of acting partisan and non-partisan officials who do not follow the spirit of this resolution.

(passed by BCRP Central Committee December 7th, 2023)