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The Benton County Republican Party Of Washington State

Dedicated To Life Liberty And The Pursuit Of Happiness

The Benton County Republican Party (BCRP) believes the Constitution of the United States of America is the greatest document written and supports the Constitution of the State of Washington. The BCRP believes all rights granted to the people should be respected, preserved, and upheld; that we are all created equal, by our creator, and are all afforded the right to choose our path, whatever that may be, with minimal government involvement in the direction of our lives. We stand for fiscal responsibility and accountability in government, for the rule of law and order, and for a just society. We are the party of Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, Dwight D Eisenhower, Ronald Reagan, and Donald Trump. We are the party of Freedom.


 Get Involved! Become a Precinct Committee Officer (PCO)

Each county is divided into smaller geographical regions called precincts.  A PCO is an elected official.  He/she establishes the direct link between the party and the voters in his/her precinct. 

A PCO usually works hand in hand with the party of his/her affiliation in many ways.  He/she can spread the word about candidates, organize rallies, recruit additional volunteers, join committees, vote on party policies, etc.  A PCO is known as the grass roots of the political process

Questions? Just send us an email and we will contact you!

 Why Vote?

Voting is a civic duty. Civic duty is a responsibility that we have for being citizens. To have a representative government that protects the rights of individuals, some personal rights are given up to the government in the form of laws.

Civic duties include obeying the laws, paying taxes, sitting on juries, running for office, staying informed about governmental matters, holding our elected officials to account, and doing our part by being informed voters. To be informed voters we must learn about candidates who are running for office and the ballot issues before we vote. Every vote matters in our democratic republic. It is both a duty and a privilege to be able to participate in government by being an informed voter. Read more…

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Register to Vote Today!

Voting is one of the most important rights we have as FREE Americans.
